I didn't know that there is another 'language' of the modern, internet, enabled. It's way over my head and envisage it will never be able to "catch up with me" - hope not because I'm set in my ways and it won'd be easy to budge! RR

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There’s still time ~~~

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Reu made the ~ so famous that it is impossible to not read things surrounded or followed by one in anything but his voice.

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He liked it a lot ~

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he really did love it! i still use it all the time, to bookend things i want to attach a certain emotion to and like erik said, it is impossible to not hear his voice when reading it. <3

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The thing with ~ is it’s playful but subtle, and not too forward that one can mistakenly attach a deeper meaning to it. Or maybe there’s a deeper meaning, but the writer is being vague about it ~

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