would have been one month since you’re gone.
I have no way of knowing when now.
Did you think it was better this way?
No lingering at the door, no burdensome goodbyes, perhaps a thud, an almost silent gasp to acknowledge death’s presence?
How about me, do I think it’s better this way? I saw myself watching no life creeping steadily at your father’s bed. I was there, I saw it all.
!! but also: - .
A shock, an upheaval, then silence.
I see myself suddenly without you, and I know I couldn’t have prevented anything, but the stealth and the blow of this thing called death didn’t prepare me for anything.
! but also: ? and ~ before a .
A shock, an asking, an approximation, then silence.
So ask me: do I think it’s better this way?
And I’ll tell you: yesterday I passed the street where the funeral parlor was, and I couldn’t look in that direction. It was momentary, but I still turned my eyes away.
Because I remembered clearly the funeral director explaining how you will be brought to the crematorium, drawing clumsily a box, and when he finished speaking, I said, can I keep that drawing, and wrote my own notes on it.
I will be thinking about these for a long long time.
Reu made the ~ so famous that it is impossible to not read things surrounded or followed by one in anything but his voice.
I didn't know that there is another 'language' of the modern, internet, enabled. It's way over my head and envisage it will never be able to "catch up with me" - hope not because I'm set in my ways and it won'd be easy to budge! RR